Industry Links
Check out all the latest regulatory information and learn which information must be included on your product labels.
Check out all the latest regulatory information and learn which information must be included on your product labels.
Check out all the latest regulatory information and learn which information must be included on your product labels.
NutriData is an industry partner, they specialize in general nutrition services for the food industry.
Registrar Corp helps summarize many FDA labeling requirements.
TLMI (Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute) is the premier trade organization for the printing industry.
Art Information
Below are Imprimus’s general artwork guidelines. If you have any questions or require more specific information, please feel free to contact us at
- We accept files via email, Dropbox, or similar file-sharing services. To submit via email, please send your file directly to your Sales Rep or any member of our Customer Service team. If your file is over 20MB, we recommend submitting via Dropbox or similar file sharing.
- Imprimus’s preferred file type is Adobe Illustrator. We can also accept files in Adobe PhotoShop and high res PDF. Please include fonts when submitting files. Mac fonts should include both screen and printer fonts. Outlining fonts is recommended.